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Here is the general skeletal structure of how a typical UX process would go here at akkhayar.


Please keep in mind that the UX workflow changes depending on the specifics of the project and we, as UX and UI designers, must be able to adapt to the nature of the project we’re working on.

Condensing the UX workflow into a two-week time frame requires prioritizing key activities and focusing on rapid iteration.

Week 1: Understand and Prototype

Days 1 - 2: Research and Analysis

  1. GATHER INSIGHT– Develop survey questions and send them out/ conduct quick user interviews (for interviews, additional time approx. 1 - 2 days will be required for scheduling interviewees)
  2. UNDERSTAND INSIGHTS– Create basic user personas based on initial findings.
  3. ANALYZE INSIGHTS– Outline primary user journeys and pain points.

Days 3 - 4: Low-Fidelity Prototyping

  1. Develop rough sketches/basic wireframes of the product’s layout. (We don’t want high-fi wireframes here yet. What we will focus on is to formulate a seamless user journey from beginning to the end.)
  2. Iterate quickly on the wireframes based on initial feedback.

Communication with the backend team will take place here.

Days 5 - 6: Usability Testing (Low-Fi)

  1. Conduct fast-paced usability tests with a small user group. a. Receive feedback from a small group of users/stakeholders (e.g. usability issues, confusion, suggestions)
  2. Gather immediate feedback and refine the prototype accordingly a. Analyze feedback (identify recurring themes, or critical points that needs attention) b. Prioritize changes (make use of priority tags) c. Iterate, Validate, Repeat

Week 2: Test and Refine

Days 7 - 8: High-Fidelity Design and Prototyping

  1. Develop higher-fidelity prototypes/mockups based on low-fi feedback.
  2. Focus on refining visuals, interactions, and UI components.
  3. Conduct UX Audit.

Days 9 - 10: Usability Testing (High-Fi) and Refinement

  1. Conduct usability testing with the high-fi prototypes
  2. Gather feedback on visual design, interactions, and overall user experience.
  3. Make refinements based on immediate insights.

Days 11 - 12: Finalization & Handoff Preparation

  1. Prepare detailed Design Specification for handoff. a. A document that communicates the design elements, guidelines and requirements for the dev team to implement.
  2. Finalize design and initiate development.